Page 370 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 370

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               African-American Housetop Top only. Estimated no earlier than 1940s, possibly much later. eBay purchase in
               2011. 77"x91" Fabric: Cotton corduroy. Batting: NA. Backing: NA. Edge: NA. Piecing: By machine. Quilting:
               NA. Condition: Excellent. The raw edges of the seam allowances are overcast together by hand. Comment:
               We’re in a hot market for African American quilts, following the Gees Bend quilt exhibition and several
               books on African-American quilt design, but this is just good, without stunning colors or design. This one
               is made with all corderoys, the classical fabric of the Gee’s Bend quilters.
                                                                                  Figure 324: African-American Housetop
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