Page 10 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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 Recent Relevant Experience
Brampton Economic Development Strategy (2017)
Working with Ernst & Young, we undertook the preparation of an economic development strategy for the City of Brampton. A key part of the assessment was a benchmarking review of other successful similar-sized cities across North America in order to determine what elements of their strategic approaches were working, and what could be emulated in the City of Brampton. Of particular note in this review were relationships between the municipality and its health care sector, linkages to the educational sector, the efficiency of the transportation network, downtown redevelopment, and relationships with surrounding municipalities. The plan was adopted by Council in early 2018.
Ontario Northland Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (2017)
Working with Ernst & Young, we reviewed the social and economic impacts of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC) upon northern Ontario. The review examined the economic impact in terms of income generation, job creation and wages. It also assessed the social and cultural benefits of the inter-connection between the communities created by virtue of this key transportation network being in place.
Metrolinx – Regional Express Rail Program Hydrail Feasibility Study Report (2018)
TCI assisted Ernst & Young with a review of the economic benefits of a new hydrogen fuel cell-based approach (Hydrail) for its Regional Express Rail (RER) program in southern Ontario, over conventional technology (i.e .using conventional overhead wires). TCI’s component of the study involved examining the economic impacts of the conventional vs. the new Hydrail approach.
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), Market Tools for Excess Soils Tracking and Regulation (2017)
With Ernst & Young, TCI undertook an assessment of the management of excess soils in Ontario. (Excess soils result from a major construction project generating soil that must be disposed of somewhere else – as waste in a landfill, at another construction project, as fill, etc.). MOECC wished to develop a better system for the monitoring, tracking and regulating the flows of excess soil in the province. TCI’s particular role was to examine how excess soils were handled in other jurisdictions (in Canada, the US, and Europe) to determine what lessons might be usefully applied to the Ontario context.
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