Page 9 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Recent Relevant Experience
Peterborough Public Library Master Plan (2018)
TCI led a team comprising Reich+Petch, Key Gordon, Beth Ross and Katherine Slimman to develop a new 4-year Master Plan for the PPL. The project involved an extensive community survey, interviews and surveys of PPL staff, benchmarking other successful library systems, and workshop sessions with the Library Board. The project also involved the development of a new image and logo for the library system (the image on the left). The Plan was adopted by the Library Board in the spring of 2018.
Portugal Cove – St. Phillips Service Review (2018)
Working with Twells Consulting and D.W. Knight Associates, TCI participated in a detailed service review for the Town of Portugal Cove – St. Phillip’s. The analysis identified 19 distinct areas of service and short-listed 6 for in-depth analysis (which were: (1) roads maintenance; (2) waste disposal; (3) strategic planning; (4) issuing licenses and permits; (5) parks and recreation services; and (6) general customer service. TCI’s role was to examine best practices across North America in these areas and then adapt them to the Portugal Cove – St. Phillip’s context. This formed the basis for recommendations for improvements (since adopted). This innovative project will be the subject of an upcoming article in Municipal World magazine.
City of Brockville Municipal Marina Expansion Study (2018)
This project involved quantifying the growth potential of the boating market for the City of Brockville, as part of a review of the feasibility of expanding the existing Brockville Municipal Marina. TCI surveyed marinas along the Kingston-to-Cornwall corridor (Brockville lies approximately in the middle) and on both sides of the St. Lawrence River. We determined the amount of growth anticipated over the next decade, assessed what reasonable share of this expanding market Brockville might be able to attract (primarily for transient boaters) and determined the number of slips that this demand would support. This information then fed into the City’s on-going design efforts for an expanded facility.
Parks Canada – Signal Hill and Cape Spear Revenue Generation Study (2018)
Working with D.W. Knight Associates, TCI participated in a review of revenue generation strategies for two iconic National Historic Sites: Signal Hill and Cape Spear, the most easterly point in North America. The project involved a review of revenue generation activities in other Parks Canada and similar sites elsewhere, and the development of potential strategies to generate additional monies from existing and potential users. Frameworks for ‘risk management’ and ‘benefits assessment’ were also developed as key tools for Parks Canada staff to utilize as they assessed the suggested strategies further.
Signal Hill National Historic Site Cape Spear National Historic Site
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020