Page 13 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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 Recent Relevant Experience
Town of Selwyn Service Review (2015)
TCI led this review of the municipal organization structure of the Township of Selwyn (formerly Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield), working closely with GGA Management Consultants. The project involved extensive interviews and surveys with Council and staff, as well as a benchmarking and best practice review of five other municipalities in similar context to Selwyn (e.g. smaller population size, rural nature, same order-of-magnitude municipal budget, etc.). A number of adjustments and revisions to the structure and process of municipal operations were identified subsequently implemented.
City of Guelph Tourism Department Strategic Review (2014)
With GGA Management Consultants, we reviewed the operations, performance and stakeholder satisfaction with the municipally-run destination marketing organization (DMO), Tourism Guelph. A particular issue examined was the question as to whether the agency should continue to remain within the municipality, or whether it should be outsourced or privatized. The recommendation (since adopted by Council) was for the operation to remain within the municipality. A number of other strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness were also adopted.
Mississauga Parks Strategy (2014)
Working with The Planning Partnership, TCI was involved in the development of a parks and recreation facility assessment for the downtown and Cookstown areas of Mississauga. In particular, TCI examined the case for a community centre that would serve in particular Cookstown residents. An extensive benchmarking exercise reviewed new community centres elsewhere across Canada, with a distillation of the best practices in the funding, construction and operation of such facilities.
City of Corner Brook Economic Development and Tourism Strategy (2014)
In association with Dennis Knight Associates out of St. John’s Nfld, TCI prepared an economic development and investment attraction study. The work identified key target sectors of the City and regional economy (one of which was the tourism industry) and recommended investment attraction strategies to the City for each. The project also involved the development of a detailed Community Profile containing the most recently-available demographic and economic data for the City and surrounding region.
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