Page 16 - The Scepter - Spring-Summer 2018_ Area Conferences Edition
P. 16

TLOD has taken in many members over the years, but our retention numbers are not equal to our recruitment
numbers. In this interactive workshop, membership recruitment, retention and reclamation will be discussed in
detail, specifically strategies for retaining members, the sustainability of the members being recruited, and the in-
clusion of all members interests. Please come with an open mind and be ready to honestly discuss why one of the
greatest organizations in the world is 54 years old and has less than 3,000 members consistently. All thoughts are
welcome because membership is a serious matter.

Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc., which started out as a small organization doing big things, has grown into a busi-
ness over the years with assets and liabilities and just like any business, you must protect your assets. One way to
protect them is to make sure your documents speak to any issues that can arise and negatively impact the opera-
tion and longevity of the organization. In this workshop, legal counsel will discuss some of the obstacles that we
might face if we do not shore up our documents. Please come to this workshop prepared to work toward the
common good of the organization as we move to protect our beloved organization.
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