Page 3 - 2017 TLOD Candidate Bulletin
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Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.

                                            National Nominating Committee
                   1964                                 May 1, 2017
         "Serving Youth and Adults"_________________________________________________________________________

             Certified Candidates for National Positions to be Elected at Syn-Lod 2015

             Greetings to National President, Founders, and All Top Ladies.

             On  behalf  of  Top  Ladies  of  Distinction,  Inc., the  National  Nominating  Committee  is  pleased  to
             present the  official Candidate Bulletin highlighting the candidates  who have been  certified as
             meeting the eligibility requirements for national positions to be elected at Syn-Lod 2017.

             Nominations were submitted via the TLOD website online process with good success.  Eligibility
             Requirements for the National Positions were reviewed by the Nominating Committee.  Chapter
             verifications  were obtained  via the Candidate Eligibility Chapter Verification Form that  was
             submitted as part of the online nomination process.  Those Eligibility Requirements that required
             verification, per TLOD  Standards, from National/Area Financial Secretaries  were obtained via
             requests from the Nominating Committee.

             The official Candidate Bulletin in online format is readily available to chapters for voting delegates
             and to Parliamen-Top Voting Members, as well  as all  of  the  TLOD membership. This  official
             Candidate Bulletin includes in the following order:
                  List of National Positions to be elected at Syn-Lod along with the names of the properly
                    Certified Candidates
                  National Candidate Eligibility Requirements
                  National Nominations Timeline
                  National Campaign Guidelines
                  Candidate Profile & Resume for each of the Certified Candidates in the order they appear
                    on the Certified Candidates List

             Other nominations may be received from the floor during the appropriate Syn-Lod Plenary Session.
             Nominees from floor nominations must complete the official Floor Nomination Form, meet all of the
             Candidate Eligibility Requirements  for the applicable national position, and  must be properly
             certified by the Nominating Committee and Financial officers before being added to the official
             Ballot.  The official Floor Nomination Form is included at the end of this bulletin.  Also included is
             information on obtaining an editable form and on Pre-Certification to ensure efficient and timely
             addition of certified floor candidates to the official Ballot after floor nominations are made at Syn-

             The National Nominating Committee and TLOD are indebted to Lady Natasha Goode, National
             TLOD  Technology  Director,  for her commitment and invaluable contributions  working  with the
             Committee toward development of the TLOD website online nomination process and the online
             bulletin.  Appreciation is also extended to those candidates who completed the online nomination
             process in a timely manner as requested, and to the National Financial Secretary and to each of
             the Area Financial Secretaries who responded to the certification requests.

             In Service to TLOD,

             National Nominating Committee for Syn-Lod 2017

                    Area I  –  Lady Anna Kirksey               Area II  – Lady Francine B. Jarvis
                    Area III – Lady Dorothy Fisher, Chair      Area IV – Lady Barbara Stowe
                    Area V –  Lady Patricia Bethel             Area VI – Lady Alna Brown
                    Affiliate – Lady Ernestine Kelly
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