Page 7 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 7

Greetings From the National Assistant Top Teen Advisor

     Journalism can never be silent:
     That is its greatest virtue. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder and the claim of tri-
     umph are still in the air.
     Top Teens of America mirror this quote by Henry Anatole Grunwald through its motto: “Participation is Our Foun-
     dation as Leaders of Tomorrow”. Thus your volunteerism reveals the many facets of community service to youth
     and adults.
     Your investment in programs, projects and events must be documented in our archives of time, place and history
     through “The Voice”.
     Your demonstration of loyalty exhibits a real reflection of your commitment to the aims and goals of Top Teens of
     I am so thrilled to release the initial issue of “The Voice” showcasing America’s Top Teens.
     Thank you for sharing your gifts, talents, abilities and resources and most of all your potential for future endeavors.
     Lady Velda A. Hunter
     National Assistant TTA Director
     National TTA Newsletter Editor

The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1
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