Page 30 - The Voice_Fall 2017
P. 30

Day 3
Plenary Session One
The National President gave the State of the Organization, starting out by thanking her outgoing officers and giving them
their Officer pins:
                        National Second Vice President         Lady Oteal Wyatt Gilmore
                        National Editor of the Crown             Lady Loris Anderson
                        National Corresponding Secretary     Lady Elaine Singh (not in attendance)
                        National Area V Director                   Lady Sybil McDowell (not in attendance)
                        National Area II Director                   Lady Helena Dodson
                        National Sergeant-at-Arms                Lady Sandra Clark (not in attendance)
Next, new officers and committee chairmen/co-chairmen were introduced:
                        National Second Vice President         Lady Eddie Lee Marsh
                        National Editor of the Crown             Lady Regina Dickson
                        National Corresponding Secretary     Lady Stephanie Dunn
                        National Area II Director                   Lady Sandra Clark
                        National Area V Director                   Lady Roxyanne Burrus
                        National Sergeant-at-Arms                Lady Hope Ruffin
                        Standards                                         Lady Helena Dodson
                        Veteran's Initiative                           Lady Sybil McDowell
                        TTA 50th Anniversary Liaison          Lady Oteal Wyatt Gilmore
                        Logistics                                         Lady Kymeish Gaston
                        Senior Citizens                               Lady Selma McDonald, Co-Chairman
                        Status of Women                            Lady Sandra Hunt, Co-Chairman
                        Membership                                   Lady Annie Mouton, Co-Chairman
                        Protocol Team                                Lady Valerie Watkins
                        Grants                                           Lady Janet Simmons, Co-Chairman
                        TLOD Wellness                               Lady Dawna Dilworth, Chairman
                        NOBLE Coordinator                        Lady Jacqueline Carter
                        Election                                        Lady Marsha Wells, Co-Chairman
                        Induction                                      Lady Essie McSwine, Co-Chairman
                        Leadership Team                           Lady Betty Edwards, Workshop Coordinator
                        Area Directors Council                   Lady Brenda Dodd, Chairman
                                                                             Lady Mary Davis, Co-Chairman
                        Chapter Presidents Council             Lady Anita Luster, Chairman
                                                                             Lady Karen Dilligard, Co-Chairman
                        National Executive Assistant            Lady Karen Love
                        National Projects Leader                  Lady Elaine Singh
                        National Assistant to the Founder     Lady Nicole Williams            
The National President:

    • congratulated the Building & Properties Team for hosting a superb Open House at the new headquarters and
         thanked the ladies who came from far and wide

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