Page 31 - The Voice_Fall 2017
P. 31

• thanked Lady Natasha Goode, IT Director, for outfitting headquarters with appropriate technology
    • gave a brief overview of Syn-Lod
    • apologized for confusion with Club Express/Membership Database but reminded the membership that if you do

         not send the names in with the money, we do not know who to credit the money to, thus setting in motion a notice
         that your membership is inactive.  They go hand-in-hand: money+name
    • trademarks have been renewed for 10 years and our marks are now registered allowing TLOD an extra measure of
         security and protection.  Lady Natasha will be updating the marks and changing all of the ™ to ®, making them
         available on the website
    • reminded members to preserve their history and take heed to Lady Mattie's workshop
    • reminded members that we are still taking donations for Hurricane Harvey 
    • advised the membership that the family of Lady Anna Conner Kirksey, former Dean of the VCR TTA Leadership
         Academy, will be presenting an award at the 2019 Syn-Lod to a deserving Teen who has attended the TTA
         Leadership Academy to be called the Anna Conner Kirksey TTA Leadership Academy Award.  You can donate to
         the award in her memory by sending your check to the National Financial Secretary, Lady Sandra Jennings, and
         earmarking it for the Award
    • ·outlined what is new:  expanded focus on Clinical Trials, TLOD Wellness, NOBLE, Standards, as well as all of our
         other initiatives
    • reminded members that the TTA Leadership Academy is an HBCU Bus Tour to Steam Schools in 2018
    • that Top Teens of America will turn 50 years old in 2019 and we will celebrate that milestone at Syn-Lod 2019.
It was stressed that members need to be more fiscally responsible when registering for conference and booking
rooms.  When planning a conference, TLOD has to guarantee a certain amount of room nights in order to get the
meeting space without costs.  Members reserve multiple rooms and then cancel them at the last minute.  That
adds unexpected, unnecessary, and undeserved costs to the event.  If we know in advance what our numbers are,
we could renegotiate the contract, but not two days before the event.  To wit, going forward in this
administration, members will pay one room night in advance and will be able to reserve only two rooms per
conference.  No more 7, 8, 9, 10 rooms that you will cancel two days before the conference.  Ladies, please be
careful with this.  It is your money you are throwing away, because at some point if this continues, dues will go
up to compensate.  Luckily, we had underwrites and donations to help out, but that money could have been better
spent.  Financially, we are sound, but we would be in a better place if members were more responsible.    (The
presentation is on the website.)
In Memoriam Tributes were paid to Lady Anna Conner Kirksey, Vivien Coe Richard TTA Leadership Academy Dean, and
Lady Vivien Coe Richard, Ninth National President of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.    Top Ladies has lost two grand
ladies and we will truly miss them.
National Officers gave their reports:
    • the Crown will be published on the Website after P-Top (It is currently available on the website)
    • the Community Beautification Committee rolled out a Textile Recycling Initiative that can be used as a Fundraiser
    • Member Services gave away gift cards at each session courtesy of Area III - South Cluster
Celebration of Life Luncheon:  The Importance of Clinical Trials
The luncheon focused on Clinical Trials and how important it is for us to become involved whether it be as a participant or
someone who brings awareness to the issue.  Our guest speaker was our own Lady Darlene Ruffin-Alexander, Chief
Executive Officer of Healthcare Administrative and Clinical Solutions, LLC, and a member of the Atlanta Peachtree
Chapter, who brought us a wealth of information.  She was followed by testimonials from several of our members who had
completed clinical trials or who were just starting one.  It was a stirring luncheon that gave us a lot of food for thought.
Lady Jackie Pope, 11th National President, donated a TLOD quilt made out of old TLOD tee shirts, and it was auctioned
off.  It sold for $750.00 bringing the Silent Auction total to over $2000.00!! At the close of the luncheon, Lady Francine B.
Jarvis, National Recommendations Chair, led us through a rousing "Pass the Gift" activity.

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