Page 237 - GQ-9
P. 237
New Genizah Documents 29*
among other things. This recipe is to be drunk with whey, and as in the prescription,
scammony may be added to strengthen it. This recipe is also similar in content
to a dodder decoction appearing in Minha¯j al-Dukka¯n87 and the Dustu¯r,88 said
to be good for skin diseases, expelling burnt humours of all kinds and cleansing
the body (i.e., a purgative), that contains inter alia various myrobalans, Creten
dodder, Meccan senna, lavender, Syrian borage, and red raisins.
Our prescription is also similar to various recipes found and studied in the
Genizah: T-S Ar.30.65 (electuary), T-S Ar.42.189 (pills, syrup), T-S 13J6.14
(pill, syrup), and T-S NS 327.97 (syrup/triphala = purgative) for example.
·˙ „Á‡Â ÏÎ ÔÓ ˙‚ÏӇ Ȅ‰ 1
„Á‡Â ÏÎ ÔÓ ‡Ò ¯Â˙ Ô‡ÒÏ 2
Ú·¯ Ò„ÂÎÂˈ‡ χ˜˙Ó 4
‰¯È˙Π89ÔÂ˃҃‚‡ ̉¯„ 5
˜˙‡„ „Á‡Â ÏÎ ÔÓ ‰„ÂÓÁÓ 6
ˆ˙Óƒ „¯ÂÊ‡Ï ¯˙‚Á ÈÓ¯‡ ¯˙‚Á 7
χ˜˙Ó Ú·¯ „Á‡Â ÏÎ ÔÓ 8
ƒÏƒÎ ˜„[È] ‰·Â¯Î „ÂÒ‡ Í·¯Î 9
Û‡ˆ˙È ‰˙„ƒÁ ÏÚ Ì‰Ó 10
„ʯ·Ë ¯ÎÒ ‰Ê ÚÈÓ˙‚ÏÏ 11
‰ÈÏÚ ·¯˘È ı‚Ó ı˙¯Ú ԇ 13
[‰]Ó ‚¯ÎÈ Á‡„ƒ˜ ¯‡Á ‡Ó 14
¯Ê· χ˜˙Ó ÈÏÚ ¯‡‰Ï‡ ¯Î‡ 15
‡Ó· ÏÂÒ‚Ó <<ıÓÁÓ>> Ô‡Áȯ 16
‰ƒÈ˜Â‡Â „¯Â ‡Ó ¯ÈÒÈ „¯‡· 17
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˜ÂÏˆÓ ˙‚¯٠‡„‚χ
87 Ibid., p. 122.
88 Sbath, Le Formulaire (as in n. 45), p. 34.
89 Although it seems that ÔÂËÒÈ‚‡ is written, we think the writer intended to write ÔÂÒȇ.