Page 256 - גנזי קדם יא
P. 256
The Hebrew Section
Sefer Hanner: Rabbi Issac Ibn
Ghiyyatʼs Commentary on Pesachim
and Bava Metzia Tractates
Dan Greenberg
Ben-Zvi Institute
This article presents for the first time fragments of the original text of Rabbi
Isaac Ibn Ghiyyatʼs commentary on the Babylonian Talmud, known until
now from other Rabbisʼ quotations. The fragments are from the Pesachim
and Bava Metzia Tractates.
This original text is important for a number of reasons: first, it quotes
many of Ibn Ghiyyatʼs antecedents and is, at times, their sole source; second,
Ibn Ghiyyat quotes segments of the Talmud and addresses the question of
multiple versions, and finally, this is the first time the original text of the
commentary is being published.
11 (2015)