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‫  קיצורים ביבליוגרפיים‬308

CdÉֹ	  Chronique d’Égֹ ypte

EI	 Eretz Israel

ESI	 Excavations and Surveys in Israel

HTR	   Harvard Theological Review

HUCA	 Hebrew Union College Annual

IDB	 Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible

IEJ	 Israel Exploration Journal

INJ	 Israel Numismatic Journal

JANER	 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions

JANES	 Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society

JAOS	 Journal of the American Oriental Society

JARCE	 Journal of the Archaeological Research Center in Egypt

JBL	 Journal of Biblical Literature

JCS	 Journal of Cuneiform Studies

JEA	 The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

JEThS	 Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

JJS	 The Journal of Jewish Studies

JHS	 Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

JNES	 Journal of Near Eastern Studies

JNSL	 Journal of Northwest Semitic Literature

JPOS	 Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society

JQR	   Jewish Quarterly Review

JSOT	 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

JSS	 Journal of Semitic Studies

JTS	 Journal of Theological Studies

NABU	 Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires

OLP	   Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica

OTE	   Old Testament Essays

OTS	   Old Testament Studies

PEFA	 Palestine Exploration Fund Annual

PEF(QS)	 Palestine Exploration Fund (Quarterly Statement)

PEQ	   Palestine Exploration Quarterly

PJB	Palästinajahrbuch

QDAP	 The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine

RA	 Revue d’Assyriologie
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