Page 3 - SAFETY
P. 3
Out of the 11 Cost of damages:
wagons, 7 R/Stock ₹ 23,23,486
wagons i.e., got
capsized and P.Way ₹ 25,16,000
the 4 derailed OHE ₹ 25,000
wagons are 40th
to 43rd from Other ₹ 5,00,000
engine. The Total ₹ 53,64,486
wagons & the Committee:
capsized Sr.DSO, Sr.DCM,
Sr.DEN/W, Sr,CDO &
wagons got Dy.CSO/Elec/HQ/SC
separated with
a gap of about
176 meters.
3 On 19.03.20 Cause: The None is held Since it is due
17.30hrs,derailm Derailment was responsible. to material
ent of rear MC due to “defect in The CMT report failure none is
of 47141 MMTS rolling stock, i.e. indicates that responsible.
wheel disc broken root cause lies
(LPI-HYB) bet. appears to have in the
LPI-HFZ at occurred under metallurgy i.e
km.164/24 the moving train imperfect grain
caused the structure which
derailment” appears to
Casualties: Nil have
Cost of damages: developed at
Rs: 2,03,000 the
Committee: stage itself