Page 3 - TRD
P. 3

Line Diagram of division indicating Electrified & Non-Electrified Sections

                                     Fig. Line Diagram of TRD SC Division

        Staff details of TRD SC Division

                                             Total                        Electrified
                 Name  of  the
                 Division          Sanctio    Actual             RKM                  TKM

                        SC           762           622            1190               2955

        2.  Performance Statistics:

        Action plan items for the year 2021-22:

         Sl.                                                                       Progress       Balance
        No.               Item in brief                                 Target
                 Elimination of Cross track feeder for the first
                  track by connecting jumper directly from
                    gantry/ mast using standard out-rigger
          1                                                                25          5              20
               arrangement (it will reduce two cross feeders if
                  connected to the nearest track OHE) (RB
               Lt.No.2013/Etec(G) / 1,48 / 1, dated 10.5.2019).
                                                     Crossings at         414         538
               Bonding of all check rails, CMS       Yards                                            0
          2      crossings and on Bridges as         Target               414
                     per Spl. Drive No. 55
                                                     Bridges               21         16              5
                                                     Target                21

          3      Conversion of -11kV Power           11 KV                 4           4        Completed
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8