Page 5 - TRD
P. 5

Digitalization of LOPs & OHE
          10                                                 0          0
                Attention to critical implantation
          11                                                 0          0
                locations as per Spl. Drive No. 33
                Replacement of 150 mm pulley
          12    ATD's with 250mm modified                    0          0
                grooved 3- pulley
                Provision of long creepage
                composite insulators at sections
          13                                                 0          3
                near to sea coast and at
                polluted zones.
                Replacement of Failure prone                                   Tendering under
          14                                                40         47
                Contact wire (NICCO make )                                     progress
                Replacement of failure prone
          15                                                37         19
                catenary wire in crossovers
                Earth mat renewal in TSS's and                                 Work under progress at
          16                                                 0          0
                renewal of earth electrodes                                    GNP/TSS
                Replacement of all bonds and
          17    earth electrodes in Switching                0          0
                Provision of Nylon mesh in portal
          18    booms to prevent nesting by                  0         37
                Replacement of rubber hose
          19    pipes in Tower Car with braided              0          0
                Elimination of IOL's/ SI's before
          20                                                 0          0
                STOP signals
                Enhancement of Transformer
          21    capacity by adding the cooling               0          0
          22    Provision of RAILNET in all depots          12          0
                Replacement of aged porcelain
          23                                                 0         408

        Status of Maintenance of OHE  Assets:

                                                                  Cumulative  Done          िकए गए श लों

                                                     वािषक        Target         up  to  का           सचयी
         .स.                                         ल            upto           OCT         ितशत  Cum.
        S.No.     िववरण      Description             Yearly       Oct 21         21         %            of
                                                     Target                                 schedules

        1         टनआउट Turnouts                        1124           656         745           114%
        2          ासओवर Crossovers                     338            197         271           137%

                  स न        इनसलटर       Section
        3                                               989            577         710           123%
        4         पीटीएफई PTFE                           79            46          133           289%
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