Page 7 - TRD
P. 7
10 42 KV LAs 438 293 293 100%
11 25KVÄ Interrupters 1384 705 705 100%
12 25KVÄ SPI 173 103 103 100%
13 Isolators BPI 358 255 255 100%
05 KVA 228 131 131 100%
10 KVA 828 531 531 100%
14 25 KVA 60 57 57 100%
AOH of ATs
50 KVA 10 6 6 100%
100 KVA 14 16 16 100%
15 ग Gantry 91 58 58 100%
सीर ज रए टर
16 60 28 28 100%
Series Reactor
शंट कपै सटर ब क
17 120 41 41 100%
Shunt Capacitor Banks
a) Energy Consumption vs Energy Charges:
APTRANSCO Con & Charges TSTRANSCO Con & Charges
30.00 400.00 365.12
24.53 350.00
25.00 21.80 300.00 281.86
18.70 230.85
20.00 250.00
15.00 150.00
10.00 100.00 66.36 48.17 39.75
4.50 3.61 50.00
5.00 2.72 0.00
0.00 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22( Till
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22( Till OCT) OCT)
Andhra Pradesh TRANSCO Telangana TRANSCO
Open Access Status:
Electrical Traction Distribution has initiated the process for the Open Access from
power supply utilities through REMCL to get power at a cheaper rate. For this, Availability
Based Tariff meters installation and SCADA (Supervisory Communication and Data
Acquisition) system has been processed with TRANSCO. Total Rs. 16.86 crores has been
paid to TRANSCOs for providing ABT meters and 1.3 crores has been paid for Data
Acquisition System.
TSS wise Status of ABT meter works:
WIRUR traction sub-station has already been brought under Open Access, which
has resulted in savings of Electrical Charges by 45 Crores, since December 2015.