Page 12 - TRD
P. 12
Charging of New SSP at MTPI:
The electrification between PDPL-NZB commenced by RE organisation and
electrification up to MRTD was completed in the month of March-2021 in phased
manner. As a part of this work new SSP to be commissioned at Metpally (MTPI) for
sectioning purpose. Same was competed and charged on 30.06.2021 after duly
completing the testing, attaining the EIG approval with Sanction No: 2106012,
dated: 24.06.2021. With this the sectioning is improved between Lingampet-Jagityal
and Morthad stations.
Gantry modification @DKJ:
The BDCR bypass lines at DKJ are fed with CB-203 at DKJ/TSS. For maintenance of
gantry of CB-203 at DKJ/TSS power block to be availed on bypass line and the trains
coming to the DKJ should be stopped at PCZ. To avert the above problem the
gantry at DKJ is modified by erecting the isolator no. SS 303. Now the trains can be
entered in to DKJ even the power block is availed to maintain the gantry of CB-203.
Fig: LOP of DKJ section
Charging of New capacitor banks at KZJ and JMKT TSS in view of 3 line:
The 3rd line works between BPQ-KI is under taken by construction department and
being done in a phased manner. Due to increase in traffic after completion of 3rd
line, there will be additional requirement of reactive power to cater the reactive
load and to improve the power factor. As a part of this, new additional capacitor
banks are commissioned and charged at KZJ and JMKT TSSs after duly competing
the testing and attaining the EIG approval with reference no. 2106015 & 2106018