Page 5 - Mech (C&W)
P. 5

3.  Other freight related activities:

                         Insitu wagon repair facilities at 13 major loading sidings(MUGR,
                         SYI,  RUSG,  TPY,  MQR,  SEM,  GOSG,  GDK,  MCI
                         and MMZ) through outsourcing. Average attention of defective

                         wagons per month is 3923. About 66 addiional rakes per month
                         are able to be loaded whih this facilitiy in the division.

             vii.  Disaster Management:

                        All  Mandatory  equipments  are  available  in  all  Breakdown
                        Mock  drills  and  joint  inspections  are  being  conducted

                       Location     Road Mobile ART              ART               MRV            BD Crane

                           SC            RMARV                  SPART            SPAMRV         140 Ton Crane

                          BPA               -                    ART                 -                 -

                         BDCR            RMARV                    -                  -                 -

                                                                SPART                            140 Ton Crane
                          KZJ                -                 (under            SPAMRV             (under
                                                          Sr.DME/Dsl/KZJ)                       Sr.DME/Dsl/KZJ)

            viii.  Electronic In Motion Weigh Bridges (Railway Owned):

                      S.                     Stamping          Integration with
                     No.     Station          Validity               FOIS                       OEM

                      1        SUH            30.12.21             19.03.20        Digital Weighing Systems.

                      2        SKP            05.10.21             13.12.19        Digital Weighing Systems.

                      3       CHZ             08.11.21             13.12.19        Digital Weighing Systems.

                      4        KZJ            05.08.22             03.07.19        Digital Weighing Systems.

                      5        HSP            15.06.22             07.08.20        Essae Digitronics

                      6       STBD            21.06.22             16.11.19        Essae Digitronics

                      7      MAGH             31.05.22             08.07.19         Merit BMH Technologies

                      8      TNGM             23.11.21             02.07.19         Digital Weighing Systems.

                      9        SC             21.01.22               NA             Essae Digitronics

                     10        HYB            13.09.22               NA             Essae Digitronics

                        Three  more  Railway  owned  weighbridges  are  under  proposal
                        stage at MTPI, SSPD and LTRR.
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