Page 7 - Mech (C&W)
P. 7

3.  Examination of Freight Trains:

                                                              Average examination of rakes per month

                                                        2019-20          2020-21           2021-22 (Apr-Oct)

                                 RDM                      100              123                    127

                                  BPA                     107              119                    134

                                  SNF                      67               78                     82

                                  DKJ                      21               30                     52

                                  SEM                      20               24                     41

                                 MQR                       18               1                      3

                                  KZJ                      15               22                     25

                                 Total                    348              397                    464

                         % improvement over
                             previous year                  -              14 %                    17 %

           2.  System improvements:

               i.    Introduction  of  on-train  attention  of  embedded  empty  wagons  at
                     BTPD   siding:   To  reduce  wagon  rejections  at  Sidings,  on  train
                     attention  of  embedded  wagons  at  BTPD  siding  has  been
                     introduced  from  9       th   Jul,  2021.  Till  now,  678  wagons  have  been
                     attended  in  72  rakes.  This  improved  loading  and  contribute  to

                     increased earnings.

               ii.   Reduction  in  embedded  wagons  in  BOXN  rakes  and  additional
                     earnings:  After  introduction  of  on  train  repair  facilities  at  13  major
                     loading  sidings,  the   extent   of   rejections   of   wagons   has   been
                     drastically reduced to bare minimum. The details of the repaired

                     wagons are as under:
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12