Page 9 - Mech (C&W)
P. 9

viii.  Installation  of  surveillance  system  of  CC  cameras:  At  locations  of
                     Railway  Owned  EIMWBs  installed  at  SUH,  SKP,  CHZ,  KZJ,  HSP,  STBD,
                     MAGH and TNGM stations, the surveillance system of CC cameras
                     is commissioned and can be monitored online. Provision of cameras
                     in remaining two Weigh bridges(SC & HYB), where VPH is weighed,

                     under process.

               ix.  Installation and Commissioning of Online Monitoring of Rolling Stock
                     (OMRS): New Online Monitoring of Rolling Stock (OMRS) on Dn Main

                     line near SKZR station in BPQ-WL section has been commissioned
                     on  29.01.2021.  This  is  used  to  identify  following

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