Page 6 - Mech (C&W)
P. 6

b)  Performance Statistics:

                1.  Coaching & Freight:

                      S.                                                 Target
                     No.                     Item                                                         2021-22
                                                                                     2019-20  2020-21
                           Ineffective % of AC coaches                     2.0%        0.89      1.24       1.48

                           Ineffective % of  Non -AC coaches               1.5%        0.63      0.49       0.57

                      2.   Coach detachments (Ownership)                 3/year          1         2          2

                      3.   Coach detachments (Territorial)               1/year          3         1          1

                      4.   IOH/SS-I of coaches                                          933       924       568

                      5.   Freight - Ineffective %                         1.0         0.75      0.69       1.04

                      6.   ROH Outturn                                 4680/year       3964      4165       2824

                      7.   Train  Partings/Uncouplings                   7/year         20        26         22

                      8.   Hot axle/RB failure                           9/year          4        22         11

                      9.   En-route Wagon detachments                    6/year          2         0          1

                      10.  Scrap Disposal (Ferrous)                      560 MT         653       586       466

                      11.  Scrap Disposal (Non-Ferrous)                   7 MT         33.7        7         4.3

                2.  ROH outturn of wagons:
                                                           Average ROH outturn per month

                           ROH Depot
                                                    2019-20            2020-21         2021-22 (Apr-Oct)

                               RDM                     270                270                     273

                               BPA                     30                  47                      98

                               SNF                     30                  30                      33

                               Total                   330                347                     404

                     % improvement over                 -                  5 %                     16 %
                         previous year
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11