Page 6 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 6


                      Suggestions  : an idea or possible plan that is mentioned for other
                                     people to consider.

                      Offers         : to ask someone if they would like to have something or
                                     if they would like you to do something.

                      Accepting      : willing to allow or approve of something.
                      Expressions  : the act of saying what you think or showing how you
                                     feel using words or actions.

                      Modals         :  a  verb  such  as  “can”,  “may”,  “should”,  “could”,  and
                                     “might”  that  is  used  with  another  verb  to  express  an
                                     idea such as the possibility that is not expressed by the
                                     main verb of a sentence.

                      Declining      : to refuse something.

                                             English E-Module Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers vi
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