Page 11 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 11


                               Suggestions                                    Offers

                       ❖  Let’s go to the museum.                 ❖  May I give you a hand?
                       ❖  I  suggest  that  you  take  a          ❖  Can I help you?
                           driving course.                        ❖  Shall I get you something to
                       ❖    We could share a ride to the              drink?
                            airport.                              ❖  Would you like me to take you

                       ❖  Why don’t we take a walk to                 home?
                            the park?                             ❖  How  about  I  help  you  with

                       ❖  What        about       playing             this?
                            badminton after school?               ❖  Is there anything I can do for

                       ❖  How about having dinner at                  you?

                            the new Italian restaurant?           ❖  Do you need help?
                       ❖  I  think  you  should  go  and          ❖  I  will  do  the  washing  if  you

                            meet her.                                 like.
                       ❖  You  might  want  to  change

                           your sleeping habits.

                                     Picture. 2. Conversation of giving suggestion
                                                    Source: google. images

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