Page 16 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 16

3.  Each group should make a conversation with the partner about
                                    the topic that has been chosen.

                      F.  Formative Test
                         Put a cross (X) on the letters a, b, c, or d on the correct answer!

                             1.  Kenny : “Isn’t a bright day?... fishing?
                                Harry : “That sounds great.”
                                a.  What do you think about
                                b.  How if
                                c.  What about
                                d.  What if
                             2.  “If I were you, I would order the shoes online because it’s
                                The sentence above is used for…
                                a.  Condition sentence
                                b.  Accepting suggestion
                                c.  Asking for suggestion
                                d.  Giving suggestion
                             3.  The expressions below are for the declining suggestion, except…
                                a.  Sorry, I can’t.
                                b.  No, I’d rather not.
                                c.  Sorry. I don’t feel like going.
                                d.  Yes, please.
                             4.  Gerry  : “My aunt gave me money two days ago. As a best friend,
                                I’ll share this happiness with you… ?
                                Zico  : “Yes, it’s a solid yes
                                a.  How about you treat me lunch
                                b.  Do you like money
                                c.  Would you help me
                                d.  Could I offer you a free meal
                             5.  Bayu  : “Do you like coffee?”
                                Hana  : “I don’t really like black coffee, I prefer something sweet
                                like creamy coffee.”
                                Bayu  : “Okay….”
                                Hana  : “That’s exactly what I want.’
                                a.  Would you like a glass of milk?
                                b.  Do you want some milk for your coffee?
                                c.  Do you want more coffee?
                                d.  Would you like me to add more coffee?
                             6.  Waiter        : “Welcome to Tasbih Restaurant, what can I do for
                                you, Madam?”
                                Mrs. Rina      : “A table for 4, please.”
                                The underlined expression is used for…
                                a.  Welcoming a customer

                                            English E-Module Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers 10
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