Page 19 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 19

Are all of your answers correct? If you can answer all the questions correctly it
                  means that you have been able to identify the right expressions of suggestions and
                  offers for different situations. Excellent!

                      C.  Summary
                        When asking for suggestions, we often use the following expressions:
                  Let’s …                             Why don’t we …?
                  We could …                          What about …?
                  How about …?                        I suggest that …
                  I think …                           I don’t think …
                  You might want to change …

                           When asking for offers, we often use the following expressions:
                  May I …?                            Can I …?
                  Shall I …?                          Would you …?
                  How about I …?

                    Accepting Suggestions:              Declining Suggestions:

                    Yes, please                         No, I’d rather not

                    Ok, thanks                          Sorry. I don’t feel like going

                    That’s a good idea                  No. Let’s not…

                    That sounds great                   I think it’s not a good idea

                    Ok. Let’s…                          I am not sure

                    Perfect. I love it                  No, thank you.

                    Ok, if you say so                   Sorry, I can’t

                                                  Accepting Offers

                    That would be very kind of you.

                    Sure. I really appreciate it.

                    Yes, please. That would be very nice of you.

                    Yes, please. Thank you.

                    Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.

                    Thank you, I appreciate your help

                    Yes, please. That would be lovely

                                            English E-Module Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers 13
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