Page 18 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 18

Learning Activities 2 (Make Conversations Regarding Suggestions
                  and Offers)

                      A. The Purpose of Learning Activities
                                After studying this module, you gain knowledge about the meaning,
                         sentence  structure,  linguistics  elements,  and  how  to  ask  questions  and
                         respond whether accepting or declining suggestions and offers. After that,
                         you can make conversations regarding suggestions and offers by paying
                         attention to the knowledge that was previously mentioned correctly and in
                      B. Material Description
                                After reading the examples of expressions about suggestions and
                         offers and learning material on how to give suggestions and offers and the
                         responses in learning activities 1, in this learning activities 2, you will learn
                         to  create  your  own  conversation  containing  the  expressions  of  giving
                         suggestions and offers along with the responses. Before creating your own
                         conversation, you need to pay attention to the situation that is happening
                         around you and give the right suggestions.

                  Let’s start practicing by matching the situation and the suggestions that best suit
                  the given situation.

                    No.              Situations                           Suggestions
                     1.     I  am  having  a  problem  with      a.  Yes.  Why  don’t  we  go  to  the
                            my car.                                 park?
                     2.     I can’t see well.                    b.  I  suggest  you  to  take  it  to  the
                     3.     I am bored at home.                  c.  You should wear glasses.
                     4.     The old woman cannot cross           d.  Shall we go to the movie?
                            the street.
                     5.     The weather is nice today.           e.  Let’s help her cross the street.
                  Have  you  been  able  to  match  all  of  the  above  situations  with  the  right
                  suggestions? Before looking into the answer key, you can discuss the results of
                  your work with friends or your parents.

                  Answer Key:

                      1.  A: I am having a problem with my car.
                         B: I suggest you to take it to the mechanic.
                      2.  B: I can’t see well.
                         C: You should wear glasses.
                      3.  C: I am bored at home.
                         D: Shall we go to the movie?
                      4.  D: The old woman cannot cross the street.
                         E: Let’s help her cross the street.
                      5.  E: The weather is nice today.
                         A: Yes. Why don’t we go to the park?

                                            English E-Module Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers 12
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