Page 15 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 15

D. Student Assignment
                             I.  Observation Assignment

                         Please find a video with the topic Suggestions and Offers, then analyze
                         the expressions along with the responses used in the video and write
                         down in the table below!

                          No.            Expressions                          Responses

                      E.  Student Worksheet
                             I.  Identity
                                Name                  :
                                Class/Semester        :
                                Material              :
                                Subject Matter        :
                             II.  Study Guide
                                1.  Study the table of contents and module positioning scheme
                                2.  Pay attention to the work steps correctly to make it easier to
                                    understand a work process.
                                3.  Answer the questions after practice.
                             III. Competency
                                a)  Standard Competency
                                    Apply the expressions of suggestions and offers
                                b)  Basic Competency
                                    Implement  the  social  function,  sentence  structure,  and
                                    linguistics  elements  that  involve  the  act  of  asking  and  giving
                                    information regarding suggestions and offers.
                                c)  Indicator
                                    Make simple conversations about suggestions and offers along
                                    with expressions and responses.
                                d)  Learning Objective
                                    Students  can  make  simple  conversations  that  contain
                                    expressions  between  suggestions  and  offers  and  the  correct
                                    response whether accepting or declining.
                             IV. Project Assignment
                                1.  Make a group that consists of two students.
                                2.  Each group should choose one topic about suggestions and

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