Page 12 - English E-Module Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 12
Accepting Suggestions: Declining Suggestions:
Yes, please No, I’d rather not
Ok, thanks Sorry. I don’t feel like going
That’s a good idea No. Let’s not …
That sounds great I think it’s not a good idea
Ok. Let’s … I am not sure
Perfect. I love it No, thank you.
Ok, if you say so Sorry, I can’t
Common Asking Accepting Declining
Phrases Suggestions Suggestions Suggestions
How about + How about we Perfect. I love it. No, I’d rather not.
subject + have dinner at the
simple verb new Chinese
form restaurant?
What about + What about Ok, if you say so. I am not sure I
gerund playing basketball can do it.
after school?
Let’s + simple Let’s go to the That sounds Sorry. I don’t feel
verb form beach this great. like going.
Shall + subject Shall we tell him Yes, please. No. Let’s not tell
+ simple verb the good news him now.
form now?
Subject + could We could share a That’s a good No, thank you.
+ simple verb ride to the airport. idea.
Subject + I suggest that you Ok, thanks. Sorry, I can’t. I’ve
suggest + that + take a cooking taken other
sentence course. courses.
Table 3. Responding to suggestions
English E-Module Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers 6