Page 171 - 2024 compendium
P. 171
Reading Park Projects (JHS and SHS)
Objective: Alignment with DepEd Goals
Establish reading parks that Supports the “Every Child a
promote literacy and outdoor learning Reader” program and advocates for
spaces for JHS and SHS students, aiming lifelong learning as part of DepEd’s
for completion of park construction and Sulong Edukalidad initiative.
full utilization by the start of the next
Background Step-by-Step Process:
The Reading Park is an outdoor • Identified and secured suitable
space designed to encourage students locations within the school for the
to engage in reading and learning in a parks.
serene and stimulating environment. • Sourced funding and materials
It includes comfortable seating, shade- through school partnerships and
providing structures, and access to books alumni support.
and learning materials. • Organized clean-up drives and tree
planting to enhance the ambiance.
Creating a Reading Park promotes Stakeholder Involvement
a culture of literacy and learning in an • Students and teachers participated in
innovative way. By providing a conducive the design and development.
environment for reading, this project • Alumni and LGUs donated benches,
fosters better reading habits, improves bookshelves, and landscaping
comprehension, and supports the overall materials.
academic development of students. It
also serves as a stress-free area that Challenges and Solutions
encourages collaboration and creativity. • Challenge: Limited funds for
Problem Addressed • Solution: Conducted fundraising
Limited access to conducive activities and sought sponsorships.
reading spaces discourages independent
learning and the development of a reading RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
culture. • Before: Limited quiet spaces for
reading, which affected student focus
Opportunity Created and participation in reading activities.
The parks offer a welcoming and • After: The establishment of Reading
serene environment to foster a love for Parks provided designated areas for
reading among learners. independent reading, with a 30%
increase in student participation in
reading activities.
Student Participation Before After Increase (%)
JHS and SHS Students 50% 80% 30%