Page 175 - 2024 compendium
P. 175
Project Smart TV with Wi-Fi
Objective: Alignment with DepEd Goals
Install Smart TVs and Wi-Fi Advances the integration of ICT in
systems in classrooms to support digital teaching and learning, as emphasized in
learning, with full functionality and the DepEd ICT4E Strategic Plan.
integration into the curriculum by the
end of the first quarter. IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS
Background Step-by-Step Process:
This project equips classrooms • Conducted a needs assessment for
with Smart TVs connected to Wi-Fi, classrooms requiring smart TVs.
allowing for interactive and modern • Procured devices and ensured Wi-Fi
teaching methodologies. connectivity in strategic areas.
• Trained teachers on the effective use
Justification of smart TVs for teaching.
Incorporating technology in the
classroom enhances teaching efficiency Stakeholder Involvement
and student engagement. The Smart • SPTA, Alumni, NGOs donations.
TVs facilitate multimedia presentations, • Teachers and students provided
virtual classes, and online resources, feedback on their usage.
making learning more dynamic and
aligned with 21st-century education Challenges and Solutions
standards. • Challenge: Connectivity issues.
• Solution: Upgraded school internet
Problem Addressed infrastructure.
Limited access to digital learning
tools and online resources hinders RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
blended learning. • Before: Limited access to digital
learning tools and interactive content
Opportunity Created for students.
Smart TVs with WiFi provide • After:
interactive, technology-enhanced • The installation of Smart TVs with Wi-
instruction to improve student Fi improved student engagement in
engagement and 21st-century skills. digital lessons, increasing academic
class participation.
• Development of Digital Skills
Exposure to technology helps students
develop essential 21st-century skills
like navigating online resources,
collaborating on digital platforms,
and using multimedia tools.