Page 172 - 2024 compendium
P. 172
Project Talisiw of SHS (Brick Laying)
Objective: Alignment with DepEd Goals
Complete the construction of Addresses the provision of a safe
walkways to prevent students from and learner-friendly school environment
walking in mud during rainy days, in line with the DepEd Child Protection
enhancing school aesthetics and ensuring Policy.
accessibility by the next rainy season.
The Project Talisiw involves the Step-by-Step Process:
construction and installation of bricks on • Assessed areas prone to waterlogging
school grounds to improve pathways and during rainy days.
prevent muddy conditions during rainy • Procured materials such as bricks
days. This initiative is carried out with and cement through fundraising and
the active participation of senior high donations.
school students and parents. • Mobilized students and staff for brick-
laying activities.
This project not only enhances Stakeholder Involvement
the safety and aesthetics of the school • SHS students and teachers actively
but also provides students with hands- participated in construction efforts.
on experience in practical skills. The • Parents and community members
improved pathways ensure a cleaner contributed labor and materials.
and safer environment for learners and
staff, reducing potential accidents and Challenges and Solutions
promoting school pride. • Challenge: Adverse weather
conditions delayed construction.
Problem Addressed • Solution: Scheduled work during
Students face safety and favorable weather and utilized
convenience issues due to muddy temporary walkways.
pathways during the rainy season.
Opportunity Created • Before: Students walked through
The project improves school muddy paths during rainy days,
aesthetics and ensures safe, accessible leading to absences and unsafe school
walkways, enhancing the overall learning conditions.
environment. • After: Enhance School Infrastructure
Contributes to the improvement
of school facilities, creating better
learning environments for students.