Page 174 - 2024 compendium
P. 174
Van Purchase
Acquire a new school van to facilitate
the safe and efficient transportation of Step-by-Step Process:
students and staff for extracurricular • Identified the need for transportation
activities and emergencies, aiming for and drafted a proposal.
purchase and operational use within the • Secured funding through fund raising
next six months. activities.
• Procured the vehicle following proper
Background government procurement procedures.
The school acquired a van to
facilitate transportation for various Stakeholder Involvement
activities such as competitions, field • Alumni and SPTA provided financial
trips, and official school functions. support for the fund raising activity.
• School staff facilitated documentation
Justification and procurement processes.
The purchase of a van enhances
the mobility of both students and staff, Challenges and Solutions
ensuring their safety and convenience • Challenge: Budget constraints.
during travel. It also reduces • Solution: Implemented cost-saving
logistical challenges, enabling broader measures and sought additional
participation in extracurricular and sponsors.
academic activities, which supports
holistic student development. RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
• Before: Limited transportation
Problem Addressed options for students, leading to
Lack of school mobility for transportation difficulties for
outreach programs, student activities, extracurricular activities and events.
and operational efficiency. • After:
• Operational Efficiency Provides
Opportunity Created a reliable means of transport for
The van facilitates efficient teachers and staff attending training,
transport of students, faculty, and conferences, or errands related to
resources for various school-related school operations. Saves time and
activities. costs compared to renting vehicles
Alignment with DepEd Goals • Emergency Preparedness Ensures
Supports school operations and quick response during emergencies,
external engagement, contributing to the such as evacuations or medical needs,
effective delivery of education services. by providing a ready vehicle.