Page 83 - 2024 compendium
P. 83
School Governing Council (SGC)
Regular Meetings and Timely Resolution Approvals
Objective: Alignment with DepEd Goals
Ensure regular meetings of the Upholds the principles of shared
School Governing Council (SGC) for the governance and community participation
timely review and approval of resolutions, as outlined in the DepEd Governance
with all resolutions being discussed and Framework.
acted upon within 30 days.
Background Step-by-Step Process:
The SGC holds regular meetings to • Scheduled monthly SGC meetings
deliberate on school policies and approve with a clear agenda.
resolutions that address pressing issues • Facilitated discussions and
and projects in a timely manner. deliberations on key resolutions.
• Ensured prompt documentation
Justification and approval of resolutions for
The proactive and timely implementation.
approval of resolutions ensures efficient
decision-making and implementation Stakeholder Involvement
of programs that directly benefit the • SGC members, including teachers,
school community. It strengthens the parents, alumni, and local officials,
collaboration between stakeholders, participated actively.
including parents, teachers, and local
officials, promoting shared responsibility Challenges and Solutions
for the school’s progress. • Challenge: Difficulty achieving
Problem Addressed • Solution: Utilized virtual platforms to
Inefficiency in decision-making increase attendance.
and implementation of school projects
due to lack of coordination. RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
• Before: Irregular meetings and
Opportunity Created delayed resolution approvals led to
Regular meetings ensure slow decision-making processes.
transparent, timely, and participative • After: Regular SGC meetings
governance for addressing school needs. improved the efficiency of decision-
making, with 90% of resolutions
approved on time.
Resolution Approval Before After Improvement (%)
Timely Approvals 70% 90% 20%