Page 7 - redhouse
P. 7

The  Red  House  was  the  site  of  yet
                                                       another  tragic  event  in  the  nation’s
                                                       history: 1990 attempted coup. On July
                                                       27,  1990,  members  of  the  Jamaat  Al

                                                       Muslimeen attacked the Red House.

                                                       On Friday 27, July 1990 Yasin Abu Bakr
                                                       along  with  Bilaal  Abdullah  and  114  of

                                                       his  followers  stormed  the  Red  House

                 Yasin Abu Bakr                        and  attempted  to  stage  a coup  d’  etat
                                                       and  overthrow  the  government  of

                                                       Trinidad and Tobago.

                                                       He  and  his  men  shot  a  single  police
                                                       officer present at St. Vincent Street and

                                                       then exploded a car bomb that set fire
                                                       to  sections  of  the  Red  House  before
                                                       they stormed into the Red House with
                                                       guns;  disrupting  the  proceedings  that

                                                       were being conducted.

                                                       The  Honourable  A.N.R.  Robinson,  the
                                                       Prime Minister was asked to order the
              Trinidad and Tobago
                   Defense Force                       security forces to stand down. Instead,
                                                       he  said:    ‘These  are  murderers  and
                                                       torturers. Attack with full force!’ After
                                                       these  words  the  Prime  Minister  was

                                                       shot  in  his  right  knee  by  one  of  the
                                                       attackers.  He  was  then  left  on  floor,
                                                       bleeding from his wounds.

                                                       The  Red  House  suffered  gravely  from
                                                       this  invasion  since  the  building  was
                                                       shot  at  and  even  shelled.  Bullet  holes
                                                       were  visible  on  walls,  doors,  windows

              A.N.R. Robinson, the                     and  the  ceiling  of  the  Chamber.  There
                Prime Minister of
              Trinidad and Tobago                      was a gaping hole at the southern end
                                                       of  the  building  on  the  ground  floor,

                                                       made  by  a  B-300  weapon fired  on the
                                                       night of July 28.

                                                       Seven  people  were  killed  in  the  Red

                                                       House as a result of the attack on the
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