Page 10 - TCMHO Flipbook 2025
P. 10
Your Active Management Team can be contacted using one of the methods below. Should your team
member be unavailable, the assistant can either take a message, transfer your call to another member of
the department or transfer the call to our voice messaging system. With out team concept we can
usually answer the homeowner’s questions right away!
All calls are answered by our team of professional front office personnel and directed to the appropriate
team member. Homeowners may reach our after-hours emergency line by calling the office number and
selecting option 5, to be directed to the on-call Transcend Community Management representative.
Phone Email Address
• 480.750.7075
Calls answered 24/7 with AI
or Answering Service
Web Site Physical Address
www.TranscendCommunity 2700 S Gilbert Rd, Suite 5 Chandler AZ 85286