Page 35 - HFACS Flipbook Holcim v 1.2
P. 35
Focus on ways to change the nature of the activities performed
by individuals and teams.
When considering ways of modifying the tasks or activities
people perform, ask yourself:
● How could the task be restructured so that it requires less
reliance on human memory (e.g., use checklists or
technology that signals the next step in the task)?
● If the task is done simultaneously with other tasks
(divided attention), could it be done by itself? How could
the mental workload/time-sharing be reduced?
● How could errors in performing the task be reduced by
having another team member check/verify important
steps in the procedure?
● How could checklists be developed to guide the task or
verify that the task has been performed properly?
● How could immediate feedback be integrated into the
task to allow operators to know when they have done
things correctly or incorrectly?
● How could procedures or checklists be redesigned to be
clearer or more user-friendly? if the task allows for easy
shortcuts, how could it be
● redesigned to eliminate these shortcuts or reduce the
likelihood that they are done?
● How could procedures be rewritten so that they are less
ambiguous or inapplicable to the safety critical tasks
operators perform?
● How could procedures be developed that restrict the
performance of safety critical tasks when there is time
pressure to complete it?
2022 Holcim Group HSE