Page 25 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 25

Chekka Cement Plant

       Captive power plant

       goes Zero Waste                                                                                      LEBANON  Cement

       Opportunity            Results
       To eliminate landfilling of   •  In 6 months, 18 tonnes
       waste that is generated   of steel were recycled,
       from the power plant,   and 30 tonnes co-
       and prioritize reuse and   processed
       recycling opportunities.   •  Estimated 1.7 tonnes of
                               food waste per year into
       Solution                compost, to be used as
       •  Sorting of waste     fertilizer at the plant
       •  Accurate monitoring   •  Estimated 1 tonne of
        and reporting of types   domestic waste diverted                                               Jamil Bouharoun
        of waste and disposal   from landfills                                                             CEO
        methods               •  Acquisition of know-how
       •  Oil contaminated waste   on composting waste
        co-processed           to be shared with local
       •  Steel and wood recycled   communities
        by a 3rd party
       •  Food waste transformed
        into compost with the
        support of a social
        enterprise                                                                                      Grace Elazar
                                                                                                        Head of HSE

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