Page 22 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 22
Ledinci RMX Plant
SERBIA Ready-mix From cement to concrete
and back to cement
Project costs are mostly
To reduce the use of Results
natural raw materials related to preparation of
and get to ZERO waste environmental impact
disposal. assessment and fees
(9 kCHF).
Temporary permit was Project savings are
minimal; however, it
obtained until year end contributes heavily to zero
for the use of concrete
Dimitrije Knjeginjić waste initiative.
CEO and sludge waste (after RMX plants should be
washing of mixer trucks) close to cement plants to
as alternative raw material ensure low transportation
in cement plant.
costs and Scope 3 CO2
We are in the process emissions.
of getting a permanent
permit through the
environmental impact
assessment and
Ivana Vidić Integrated Pollution
Quality and Prevention and Control
Environment permit (IPPC).