Page 5 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 5

My daughter Kaylee is in an exciting                      I've heard many times a child needs a
        place in her life but a tough one as well. She            parent not a friend. However, our kids need
        is almost 12 and in 6th grade. Anyone more                friends as well. I want to be an example of
        mature in life than myself or someone in the              what a good friend is or does so that Kaylee

        same place I'm sure you can relate. We,                   can be that to someone else. She can then
        (meaning her and I) are in a place where                  expect that from someone else as well.
        there are a lot of gray lines.
                                                                         Of course, Kaylee sees me being a good
               You know momma wants to know all                   friend to people outside of our household,
        the things going on in her life. Tell me about            but she experiences our friendship in a
        your friends, what happened at practice,                  different way.

        who do you like? Momma wants to know it
        all.                                                             I am not saying that you should
                                                                  always or only be your child's friend. There is
               Well joke's on me because that's not               a place for being a parent where we use
        how it works. We have to approach with                    discipline and have expectations and expect

        caution, being ever so aware of how the                   respect.   If you withhold correction and
        Holy Spirit is leading our conversation. Do               punishment from your children, you
        not rely on your own experiences of how you               demonstrate a lack of true love. Proverbs
        think it should go.                                       13:24

               I'm not saying that Kaylee or any                         However, there will be times where
        child should have all the control but we're               our children just need a friend someone to

        also working on building a relationship of a              just sit and listen. I want to be that for her.
        different type right now. A bit case
        sensitive.                                                       We as Mommas/ parents can be both
                                                                  parents and friends with a little bit of
               At first, I didn't ask questions because           guidance. They both have the same qualities,

        I was silly enough to think that she would                don't they? We need to listen and not just
        tell me everything or come to me if and when              listen but hear what they're saying to us. Be
        she wants to. And don't get me wrong there                slow to speak, maybe even slower to anger.
        are times where she did. And there were                   19  My dearest brothers and sisters, take this
        other times where she would just come and                 to heart: Be quick to listen, but slow to

        lay in my lap and I would just hold her, just             speak. And be slow to become angry,   for
        what we both needed.                                      human anger is never a legitimate tool to
                                                                  promote God’s righteous purpose. James
               However, speaking to another                       1:19-20
        momma, I realized maybe she wants me to
        ask the questions and just maybe she wants                       I started asking questions and I've

        to tell me all the things, but she doesn't                gotten answers and as a result I've noticed a
        know how.                                                 switch in Kaylee. When I show interest in
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