Page 8 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 8
The Mask. But woe to him who is alone
Pastor Joe Garnett when he falls and has not
another to lift him up!"
Every one of us have worn a
mask at one time or another.
Even Superhero’s wear mask to We need to be willing to take
hide their secret identity Thieves off our masks and get involved
wear them so they cannot be instead of walking to the other
identified. side of the road like the two
people in the story of the Good
Why do we as feel the need to Samaritan.
hide what is going on in our lives
from those God has called to God has equipped us with
share our burdens with? the armor and given us both
detailed instructions and the
Galatians 6:2 tells us: "Bear Holy Spirit to help us when we
one another's burdens, and so are in need.
fulfill the law of Christ."
Ephesians 6:10-18: "Finally, be
If we choose to isolate strong in the Lord and in his
ourselves from God's people, we mighty power. Put on the full
put ourselves in a dangerous armor of God, so that you can
position. If you think you can take your stand against the
stand alone against the enemy, devil’s schemes. For our struggle
you most likely would lose. He is not against flesh and blood, but
knows how to attack us at our against the rulers, against the
weakest times and has lots of authorities, against the powers of
experience waging war. this dark world and against the
When did we begin to think spiritual forces of evil in the
that the spiritual war we are heavenly realms. Therefore put
fighting is meant to be fought on the full armor of God, so that
alone? In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, we when the day of evil comes, you
are told: "Two are better than may be able to stand your
one, because they have a good ground, and after you have done
reward for their toil. For if they everything, to stand. Stand firm
fall, one will lift up his fellow. then, with the belt of truth