Page 9 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 9
buckled around your waist, with would hold them horizontally
the breastplate of righteousness toward the enemy while the rows
in place, and with your feet fitted further back would hold them
with the readiness that comes vertically. The formation would
from the gospel of peace. In be protected on the flanks by
addition to all this, take up the lighter infantry such as archers
shield of faith, with which you and slingers.
can extinguish all the flaming In the phalanx formation,
arrows of the evil one. Take the this would allow for each man's
helmet of salvation and the shield is overlapping the man
sword of the Spirit, which is the next to him, thus protecting him.
And pray in the
word of God. Just like the solders in the
Spirit on all occasions with all ancient Greek army, we are
kinds of prayers and requests. called to band together and cover
With this in mind, be alert and each other’s back.
always keep on praying for all
the Lord’s people." Galatian 6:1 talks to us about
accountability... "Brothers, if
One of the most organized anyone is caught in any
armies in ancient history was the transgression, you who are
Greek army. One of the primary spiritual should restore him in a
reasons for its success on the spirit of gentleness. Keep watch
battlefield was the Phalanx on yourself, lest you too be
Formation. The Greek army was tempted."
dominated by the hoplite which So here is a challenge to me
formed the basis of their infantry and for each of you to take off
our mask and begin to allow
When engaging in battle the Godly men and women into our
phalanx would form a tight lives and that we pray for each
defiance and advance towards other, we encourage each other,
the enemy. The defense would be and yes to hold each other
held tight by the hoplite shields accountable.
and greaves which formed a Even if you have been hurt
barrier on all sides of the unit.
before, Satan will use that doubt
Each soldier was armed and hurt to discourage you from
with a spear. The first rows doing it because he knows what