Page 6 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 6

her life it shows I care. She may open up, she                   It's an interesting world we're living
        may not but I want her to be able share                   in nowadays. It's important to share raw
        anything now and forever.                                 moments so that maybe we can learn and
                                                                  take a little nugget away from it.
               I have learned to lean more on the
        movement of the Holy Spirit and what I am                        To all the Mommas and parents out

        being led to do say/ask. I'm paying more                  there you're doing great. Lean on the Lord
        attention. Don't harp, push, pull, pry, or                for all of it! See where and what he shows
        turn every conversation into a lesson. At                 you. He’ll show you when your child will
        that moment they are turned off and you're                need a friend or when it's time to go into
        speaking into deaf ears. However, I know                  parent mode. He will change or help your

        that if I am sensitive to the movement of                 relationship.
        God I'll be led to do the right thing at the
        right time.                                                      I know this is just the start of the
                                                                  teenage years, but I don't want my child or
               Have we messed up? Absolutely. Am I                us to go through all that the world goes

        still learning? For sure. Is Kaylee perfect?              through. We're in this together with God as
        No and that's OK because neither am I.                    our center.

               It's what we do with our mess ups                         6  Dedicate your children to God
        that matter. That's an entire writeup for a               and point them in the way that they should
        future article perhaps. I'm not saying we                 go, and the values they’ve learned from you
        have it all figured out, but we are learning.             will be with them for life. Proverbs 22:6

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