Page 12 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 12
Beautifully Handsome from the
inside out… Pastor Libby Patton
Gods Beauty Spa is a reflection in our lives that
Oh this is for the guys as much causes us to do the will of the
as it is for the girls!!! You were Father and be strengthened by
made in His image and His His joy.
likeness. He created
them…male and female. Oh, praise be to God that
He loves us that much to
It’s not all about the influence us in such a way that
outside!! The aim of our charge causes us to do what is right in
is love that issues from a pure His eyes!!!
heart and a good conscience
and a sincere faith. That’s the beautiful grace
~ 1 Timothy 1:5 of God that comes out of us
when we stop and allow
Love that comes from a ourselves to be influenced by
pure heart and good conscience Him.
is what truly feeds and
develops a beautiful person He has already told us we
from the inside out. It is the are just like Him. So why not be
love of God, the forgiveness of influenced by Him. “So God
sins, and the grace of our Lord created mankind in his own
and Savior Jesus that makes us image, in the image of God he
the beautiful creatures we are. created them; male and female
His love being the food for our he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
souls towards God and others He made you BEAUTIFUL!!!
helps us grow in compassion Wow!!!…the things we read
one for another. It is His about the majestic beauty of
forgiveness that keeps us in Jesus can only be imagined
clear conscience and healthy right now. But when he appears
thinking. in such a radiant light, that
light reflects love, warmth,
This is more food for the protection, affection,
heart and soul so that we will compassion, and beauty.
not condemn ourselves or
others when we miss the mark.
It is His grace, that divine
influence upon our hearts, that