Page 17 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 17
As Thanksgiving Day quickly received Christ Jesus the Lord, so
approaches, there are many that post walk in Him, rooted and built up in
each day on social media leading up Him and established in the faith, as
to Thanksgiving something for which you have been taught, abounding in
they have to be thankful for. So, the it with thanksgiving.”
question I am going to pose is, why
wait until November or There is so much more to this
Thanksgiving? Why are we not verse, but for now I want to look at
letting people know every day of the the part which says we are to
year something that God has done abound in thanksgiving.
for us and what we have to be
thankful? How do we abound in
thanksgiving? The word abounds,
So, why wait, when we have according to the dictionary means.
social media platforms from which existing in or providing a great or
we can let others know what God plentiful quantity or supply. Another
has done for us or through us? Yes, I place I found says, it is having an
know that was more than one abundant overflow. So, then as
question, but one question almost believers, if we have been given this
always leads to other questions. great and plentiful quantity should
we not be pouring out a plentiful
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, quantity or abundant overflow of
“Rejoice always, pray without thanksgiving?
ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you.” How many can honestly say we
This verse tells us to give give an abundant overflow of
thanks in everything. So, are we thanksgiving each daily? I can tell
giving thanks just for the big things you, I realized as I was studying to
or do you give God thanks for write this article, I can use some
everything? Shouldn’t we thank Him definite improvement in this area
for waking us up in the morning, myself. I think an abundant overflow
giving us another day, protecting us means we can never be too thankful.
from both the known and unknown We can never tell Him how thankful
dangers, giving us favor in every we are and can express it enough.
aspect of our lives, and I could go on
and on? So, what are ways we can show
thanksgiving? Rejoicing in Him,
I know some people who do singing His praises, telling others
this very thing I am talking about what He has done for you, and
every morning, but I must admit I spending time with Him in His
could use some improvement in this presence are all ways of showing
myself. how thankful you are for the things
He is doing in your life, has done for
Let’s look at Colossians 2:6-7 you, or will do for you or for others
which says, “As you therefore have for which you have been praying.