Page 18 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 18

When we are joyful in our worship                                Our praises are our
        and we seek His presence, we show                         thanksgiving to Him. Psalms 50:23
        Jesus just how much we appreciate                         says: “Whoever offers praise glorifies
        and love Him. When we bless Him                           me”. When you thank God, you
        with our praise, our worship, and our                     glorify His name. Thanksgiving and
        time, then He blesses us in so many                       praise brings encouragement to you
        countless ways.                                           and helps you to build your
                                                                  confidence in Him.
               One thing I have learned over
        the years is when depression or                                  In Lamentations 3:22-23 David
        anxiety try to hit or attacks of the                      was encouraged when he was
        enemy try to come, I can just put on                      testifying to Saul about how he
        some praise and worship music and                         fought the lion and the bear. He was
        begin to praise Him, knowing that it                      confident that Goliath would not be
        brings in His presence and His glory.                     a problem. When David testified, he
                                                                  was praising God and giving God
               2 Chronicles 5:13-14 says, “The                    thanks for the ability he had because
        trumpeters and musicians joined in                        of God, and he was then confident
        unison to give praise and thanks to                       that God had his back and he could
        the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets,                        defeat Goliath. His strength and
        cymbals and other instruments, the                        courage were released when he
        singers raised their voices in praise                     thanked God.
        to the LORD and sang: "He is good;
        his love endures forever." Then the                              Thanksgiving can also bring
        temple of the LORD was filled with                        about restoration and favor. In John
        the cloud, and the priests could not                      11:41 Jesus said, “Father I thank You
        perform their service because of the                      that You have heard me.” Then He
        cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled                   called Lazarus from the tomb, and He
        the temple of God.”                                       was raised from the dead. As you
                                                                  give thanks, those things which need
               When His presence comes in,                        to be restored in your life can be
        depression and anxiety flee. I am so                      restored in Jesus’ name.
        thankful for His presence. Psalms
        50:14-15 says, “Call upon me in the                              So many times, we overlook all
        day of trouble; I will deliver you, and                   the things He does for us which we
        you shall glorify me.” His presence                       should be a giving Him thanks for. I
        can make the attacks of the enemy                         recommend sometime sitting down
        easier to walk through and the                            and writing on paper all the things
        assurance that you will come                              you know He has done for you, all
        though.  This is another example of a                     the things you are believing He will
        reason to praise Him and give Him                         do, and when He has answered those
        thanks. and when He delivers us, and                      prayers, document them and see
        He will deliver us from those                             what He has done. Some call this
        troubles, we can praise Him even                          journaling.  I think He will amaze
        more.                                                     you. Correction...I know He will
                                                                  amaze you. Jesus has been a
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