Page 15 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 15

things creates a beauty on the                                   See, you can look like

        outside that has a direct                                 Barbie and Ken, but unless you
        reflection of who you are on                              have the beauty of Jesus on the
        the inside. He makes everything                           inside of you, the outward

        beautiful in His time… trust                              appearance can only take you
        that.                                                     so far.

               So to wrap up this Spa                                    Yes!!! It is good to take
        retreat time with God know                                care of the temple of God.

        this…                                                     Shower it up, put on some clean
                                                                  clothes, a little D.O for the B.O
        ~ 1 Samuel 16:7                                           is always helpful, lol, but most

        …The Lord does not look at the                            importantly, put on some love
        things people look at. People                             and compassion for one
        look at the outward                                       another. Let the peace of God be
        appearance, but the Lord looks                            your answer that He is trust
        at the heart.”                                            worthy and will always make a

               As we look on the outside
        appearance, like most of us do,                                  Your true beauty comes

        let me encourage you with this;                           from the inside because when
        the next time you want                                    the day is done… what’s on the
        someone to see the real beauty                            inside is what people truly
        you are, let them see your                                remember. Be you… Be
        heart of compassion, feel the                             beautiful…but most

        forgiveness that God has given                            importantly…Be the believer
        you and be the peace they may                             that makes you beautiful from
        need in the storms they are                               the inside out!!


               Let them see the grace
        (the influence of God) in your
        conversation and radiate the

        trust you have for your Savior.

               Your confidence in who you

        are in Jesus and who He is on                              Pastor Libby Patton is a Senior Pastor/Co-
                                                                   founder of Unity of The Faith Church in
        the inside of you will be your                             Frankfort, KY.
        best and beautiful trait.
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