Page 20 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 20
Random Thoughts.
Pastor Joe Garnett
Have you ever encountered I have come that they may have
someone misquoting scripture? life, and that they may have it
Sure, you have, we all have. Let more abundantly.”
me give you an example of one of Question is, why would it be
the most common verses that I written that way and how would it
hear misquoted and amazingly make a difference if we turn the
misquoted by many pastors, order around?
including myself before I became
aware of doing it myself. Perhaps it is because the
number one thing the enemy
Majority of the time it is comes to steal is the Word. God’s
because we get tend to word is seed. When you hear His
paraphrasing scripture, which word, a seed is planted in you and
there's nothing wrong with that as the enemy knows that if he can
long as we paraphrase it in the come immediately and steal that
right order in the right context, but word, he has an opportunity to kill
when you paraphrase something the effect of that word in you.
out of the order that it was written
you run the chance of diminishing Mark 4:15 says; “when they
the meaning of that scripture. hear, Satan comes immediately
and takes (steals) away the word
Here is that example of one of that was sown in their hearts.”
the most common passages Notice it says that he comes
scripture misquoted found in John IMMEDIATELY!
I understand that he cannot
I am finding it quite common kill God’s word, but the seed or
for people to say, well you know that word that he just stole can
the enemy just comes to kill, steal, destroy the manifestation that was
and destroy, and while that might intended for your life. That's the
sound great, that's not the order reason I believe the scripture was
that it was written and I believe written the way it was.
there's a reason why it was written
the way it was. We have to be on guard for
the thief, and we must grab hold of
John 10;10 actually says “the that word planted and not allow
thief does not come except to steal the enemy to come and steal it
and kill and destroy.
from us.