Page 21 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 21
Now you may think that the eternally. Yes, we have life
enemy can’t come and steal the eternally, but we don't have to wait
word from you. Let me ask you a until we're in the eternal here after
question. How many times have part to have life more abundantly.
you been in church, heard a good He came to give us life and life
word, even acknowledged to the more abundantly.
Pastor that it was a great word, yet Why do we walk around broke
an hour later you cannot busted disgusted all the time? We
remember one thing the pastor need to get into the word and
said? Quest what? The enemy just discover the authority we have and
stole that word from you. Hey, he how to deal with daily
has done it to me as well.
circumstances and stop let the
That's one of the reasons why enemy steal and kill things.
I love the technology that we have Remember when he steals the
today where we can videotape and word from us, he is stealing the
audiotape the word. We can manifestation that was meant for
greatly decrease his ability to rob us.
us of the word.
If I walk around all time sick,
When we find that we are has he stolen a word of healing
having difficulty trying to from me? If I walk around all the
remember what the Pastor said, we time but I don't have two pennies
can jump online hear and/or watch in my pocket, worried how I'll pay
it. You can hear it again and again my next bill, has he stolen the
watering it each time with faith. word of prosperity from me? If I'm
You can get that word seed in you, walking around in gloom and doom
you get that word watered, and all the time, has he stolen the word
that word starts to grow in your about joy from me?
Some random thoughts that I
The end of that verse says I am throwing out here hopefully for
come that they may have life and you to studying seeking the truth
they may have it more abundantly
for yourselves.
OK hold on just second here. Until the next time, this is
Who are “they” that can have life Pastor Joe saying may you walk in
in Jesus and who are “they that the fullness of His grace, blessed,
can have it more abundantly?” ME healthy, and prosperous in all you
and YOU. Jesus came that you and do.
I may have life now, not just life in