Page 19 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 19

constant amazement to me over the                                When you show your
        years.                                                    faithfulness to Him and thankfulness

                     I wonder what would                          for Him, see what He will do for you.
              happen if every Christian posted
        in social media those things God has                             So, as the body of Christ let’s
        answered prayers for and gave Him                         start shouting out your
        thanks? What if we flooded social                         thanksgivings and have a very Happy
        media with our praise reports? Could                      and Blessed Thanksgiving.
        you imagine the positive abundant
        overflow that we would see? I say we
        need to be thankful today and every
        day and shout it from anywhere we                          Pastor Sue Garnett
        can, whenever we can, so that the                          Pastor of Evangelism
        whole world knows what an                                  Grace Fellowship -
        awesome God we serve.                                      Groveland

               Can you imagine if we all did
        this the impact it would make upon
        the lives of others?
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