Page 14 - 1. Grace Connections November Issue
P. 14
Beauty tip#2 peace. Your face will speak
volumes when we see that big
Those who look to him are smile and that glory shine.
radiant, and their faces shall
never be ashamed.~ Psalm 34:5 Beauty tip #3
Did you know that your Timing is everything for
face can show it all. We have God and He knows when it’s
this saying at our church…FYF, time for a plan to come
“Fix Your Face”. You can truly together. So, don’t rush through
what see what’s in someone’s your daily time with Him. Take
heart on their face sometimes. a moment and let Him cultivate
Give all your heart to Him and you from the inside out.
look up to the hills where your He says in ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11
help comes from. He has made everything
beautiful in its time. He has
Staying stress free and also set eternity in the human
truly trusting God with the heart; yet no one can
smallest to the biggest fathom what God has done
situations is key to letting your from beginning to end.
beauty come from the inside
out. Let His timing bring you
the confidence you need to stay
When you are truly focused out of the way. Take a breathe,
on Him and His ways, then your listen to an anointed worship
ways of “getting it done” pale song, let yourself relax and just
in comparison and He does be with Him, in His presence,
things through you in such and watch what He can do on
excellence. This is when your your behalf. He knows when to
whole heart is invested in let your spouse see the inner
Kingdom minded business and beauty that draws them closer
you stay out of your own to not just you, but to Him.
strength and stress, and
frustration stays far away. When YOU are at peace
those around you are at peace.
What a beautiful thing This is a type of beauty that is
when a God plan comes very rare, but one of the most
together, and you are full of His valuable. Trusting Him in all